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Academy of Teaching Scholars

Teaching is a core mission of the Indiana University School of Medicine, and the majority of faculty are involved in one or more aspects of this mission. But although teaching is required for promotion, the personal rewards that come from teaching — and from developing the teaching skills that drive excellent learner performance — can equal or exceed professional benefits.

The IU School of Medicine Academy of Teaching Scholars is a program designed to help faculty build and share their skills as educators. The program encourages faculty to develop the skills needed to become educational leaders and facilitators of positive change.

The Academy is open to IU School of Medicine faculty, residents, fellows and graduate students.

Express your interest in joining ATS

Scholar studying at a table with laptop and notebook

Already enrolled in ATS?

View upcoming ATS workshops or watch recordings of past sessions.

Why join the Academy?

  • Gain teaching skills you can apply to the clinic, lab or classroom

  • Complete the program at your own pace

  • Attend both online and face-to-face sessions

  • Collaborate with a new community of professionals at IU School of Medicine

  • Receive special invitations to educational programs through the IU system

Program Structure

The Academy of Teaching Scholars accomplishes it mission of enhancing the development of faculty as educators and facilitators of reform through a three-tiered model:

Tier One: Foundations of Teaching Excellence

Open to all IU School of Medicine faculty and educators, Tier One provides participants with expertise in the fundamentals of teaching and learning. It consists of:

  • Developing and refining a philosophy of teaching statement
  • Participating in seven teaching-development workshops in a variety of competency areas
  • Undergoing a peer review of teaching

Those who complete the tier will receive: 

  • A certificate of completion
  • A letter of support signed by the dean
  • A book they choose from a list of educational favorites

To receive full credit, the workshops should be completed within three years of initial enrollment. 

To register for Tier One

Email to express your desire to join. Be sure to include your full name and title in your email.

Send an email to express your interest

Next steps

  • Within 30 days of your initial enrollment, submit your (Pre) Philosophy of Teaching Statement to
  • Register for ATS workshops. Live webinars, face-to-face meetings and online modules are available. You must complete seven workshops, with at least one in each of the following competency areas:
    • Assessment Methods and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
    • Curriculum and Course Design
    • Instructional Strategies
    • Instructional Technology
    • Learning Theory
    • Inclusive Teaching
  • As you near the completion of your workshops, schedule a peer review of teaching.
  • Based on what you have learned in Tier One, revise and submit your (Post) Philosophy of Teaching Statement and request your educational book.

Upon your admission to the Academy, you will receive access to an online portal where you can track your progress toward workshop completions, submit your philosophy of teaching statements and more.


Tier Two: Continuing Education

** New pathways recently added! **

Tier Two is designed to increase participants’ knowledge of educational theories and practices. It is suitable for:

  • Educators
  • Course, clerkship, competency, rotation, residency and fellowship directors
  • Center leaders
  • Those who play a pivotal role in the educational enterprise
  • Faculty who will be promoted and/or tenured based on excellence in teaching,  

Multiple pathways to completion

Beginning in 2024, Tier Two offers multiple pathways for completion that focus on the professional development needs of the individual.

Complete one of the following pathways.

  • Complete two graduate-level courses
    • Each participant completes:
      • Two credit-bearing courses as a graduate, non-degree-seeking student with Indiana University Indianapolis
      • A scholarly project
      • A short reflection
    • Choose between face-to-face, fully online or hybrid courses.
    • If you later decide to pursue a master's degree in education, your credits will likely transfer into that program.
  • Complete a master’s degree in education:
    • If you have recently completed or are in the process of completing a graduate degree in education, you can receive credit for completing Tier Two
    • You must submit proof of degree completion along with a reflection about a scholarly project.  
  • Participate in a discipline-specific program
    • Participate in a discipline-specific educator program, such as the Association for Surgical Education’s Research Fellowship, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s Medical Student Educators Development Institute, or similar programs
    • You must submit proof of program completion along with a reflection about a scholarly project you conducted during the program. 


Tier Three: Faculty Fellows Program

Faculty Fellows is a year-long professional development program that allows you to identify a specific area of interest within faculty development that advances your personal interests and targets either a departmental or institutional need. One of the main goals of your work will be to raise the profile of medical education and generate enthusiasm for the pursuit of teaching excellence.

Working together with an Academy mentor, you will plan and implement a project that includes a training component as well as a plan for scholarly dissemination of project results.

If you are selected as Faculty Fellow, you will receive an allocation to support your participation and professional development.  

To Apply

  • You must be a full-time IU School of Medicine faculty member.
  • You must have completed tiers one and two.
  • You will complete a brief application describing your interest and how the program will advance your career.
  • You must submit a letter of support from your division or department chair with your application.

I think the flexibility of the program is one of its best attributes. There’s no timeline, but the tools are always easily accessible to help make us better educators.

Angela Delecaris, MD

Fellowship Director, Pediatric Pulmonology

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