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Skill Enhancement Award

The Indiana University School of Medicine Skill Enhancement Award provides associate professors the opportunity to acquire new skills to accelerate the trajectory of their career toward full professor.

The skill enhancement experiences are expected to occur away from campus over a time frame of two to five weeks. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Visiting an institution to engage with a collaborator to learn a new technique.
  • Attending technique/equipment training workshops

Awards are not intended to be used to travel to traditional scientific/clinical conferences although combining a conference with additional immersive experience may be considered.

Apply Now

Submit an application for the Skill Enhancement Award.


The program is limited to full-time IU School of Medicine faculty members who are at the rank of associate professor.


Proposals can be for any amount up to $8,000; 25 percent of the proposed budget must be funded through Department cost-share. All funds requested must be clearly justified in a detailed budget. Funds can be used for transportation, lodging, per diem, course/workshop fees, supplies/consumables while at a partner institution, etc. Salary is not an allowable expense.


Applications may be submitted at any time are evaluated on a rolling basis. Applications must include the following:

  • Summary of the principal investigator’s current research program and how the award experience will advance their scholarship in the near and long-term (one page max)
  • Current CV
  • Detailed budget
  • Timetable for experience (projected dates with a justification of duration)
  • Letter of support from the department chair or center director
  • Letter from the institution where experience will take place (if appropriate)

All application materials should be converted into pdf files. Applications will be reviewed by FAPD and Research Administration, and decisions will be made on a rolling basis.

Submit an application

NOTE: Since applications are taken on a rolling basis those received early in the fiscal year will be at an advantage for funding. Key criteria for evaluation will include time in rank (priority to those within the first one to three years as an associate professor), forecasted short- and long-term impact on the trajectory of the PI's career, and departmental support.

Post-Experience Expectation

Faculty will be expected to provide a brief summary (one-page max) within one month following the experience and then a second summary one year following the experience. The first summary will focus on the general outcome of the experience while the second summary will detail how the experience impacted the faculty member’s work.