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Showing results for Winter 2016

  • 07-27-15_Barb0090-2

    A Battle Worth Waging

    Peer Baekgaard defied death during World War II. Yet Alzheimer’s disease was a foe he couldn’t outrun. Now, Barbara Baekgaard and her family are helping ...

    Karen Spataro  |  Feb 01, 2016
  • Getting a Head Start

    To keep Alzheimer’s disease from stealing memory, IU scientists are working to find hints of its presence and new ways to halt its insidious effects. ...

    Karen Spataro  |  Feb 01, 2016
  • Microbiology and Immunology

    Life in the Blood

    Dr. Hal Broxmeyer pioneered the use of cord blood to treat cancer and immune disorders. While the procedure has been performed 35,000 times, Broxmeyer still ...

    Matthew Harris  |  Feb 01, 2016
  • Brantly-Clothesline-SP

    Entering Suffering

    IU School of Medicine alumnus Kent Brantly survived a near-death battle with the Ebola virus. But that hasn’t scared him away from the prospect of ...

    Karen Spataro  |  Feb 01, 2016
  • MBG and group stairwell

    Voicing a Tenor of Hope

    For over 27 years, Mary Beth Gadus has waged a fight against breast cancer. In that span, she’s seen radical advances in treatment—some of which ...

    Karen Spataro  |  Feb 01, 2016
  • Catching the Enemy

    Jane Ransel is like many pancreatic cancer patients. An innocuous ache turned out to be the only clue about a disease that can evade detection ...

    Matthew Harris  |  Feb 01, 2016
  • Adams Portrait – State Flag

    Right Into the Fire

    Indiana’s health commissioner confronts an HIV crisis and high infant mortality rates.

    Matthew Harris  |  Feb 01, 2016
  • White Coat 2

    A Medical School for the Future

    The nation’s largest enrollment. Nine campuses. And a diversity of clinical settings. It’s how the IU School of Medicine is stemming a physician shortage across ...

    Karen Spataro  |  Feb 01, 2016